Last Minute Trips
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Sometimes you just need to get away. Whether you’re traveling for business or for fun, search Travelocity’s last-minute travel deals when it’s time to get out of town. Planning a trip ahead of time isn’t always possible. Sometimes life happens and you simply don’t have time to arrange an entire vacation. Last-minute vacation deals From deciding to jet set to another country today to packing up your bags for a spontaneous cruise tomorrow, Expedia offers hot discounts for your free-spirited vacations. We feature last-minute vacation deals on hotels, flight tickets, cruises, and packages along with real-world travelers’ intelligence to accommodate all your needs for your impromptu trip. Last-Minute Deals While any getaway feels good, there’s an added thrill to a spontaneous escape. You almost feel like you’re getting away with something crazy, even if the price tag says otherwise (because of course, the best travel deals on earth are often the 11th-hour ones). As its name suggests, Last Minute Travel is dedicated solely to last-minute travel deals. This wide-ranging site offers bargains on hotels, car rentals, cruises, transfers, and activities. In a .
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