Go On Vacation
[] just before you intend to move or go on a vacation or provide a reasonable delivery date. to Go On Vacation Ferien machen in Urlaub gehen in die Ferien gehen to Go On Vacation [Am.] in Urlaub fahren to go on a beach vacation [Am.] einen Badeurlaub machen to go on a skiing vacation [Am.] in (den) Skiurlaub fahren to Go On Vacation: in die Ferien gehen: to go on vacation: in Urlaub gehen: to go on vacation [Am.] in Urlaub fahren: to go on a beach vacation [Am.] einen Badeurlaub machen: to go on a skiing vacation [Am.] in Skiurlaub fahren: Teilweise Übereinstimmung: on vacation adv [Am.] im Urlaub: to be on vacation: im Urlaub sein: to be on vacation: in Urlaub sein: to be on vacation [Am.] auf Urlaub sein: to head off on vacation You must really want to go on vacation. Du musst wirklich in Urlaub wollen. See how “ to go on vacation ” is translated from Englisch to Deutsch with more examples in context [] just before you intend to move or go on a vacation or provide a reasonable delivery date. It means you won’t go to work for those x number of days. You may go somewhere or you may stay home, but you are off work. “Go on vacation” = you have planned a trip somewhere and you are going to that place to spend your free days. You can “go on vacation” even if you don’t have a job (for example in the case of children). .
Bereits ab 37,70 € Große Shopvielfalt Testberichte & Meinungen | Jetzt Go Vacation (Switch) günstig kaufen bei idealo.de Americans “go on vacation” while many other people “go on holiday.” I can be home from work and sitting on my deck reading a book while I’m “on vacation” but I wouldn’t say I was “on A vacation.” Going on A vacation implies travel. I’m not a teacher, but I write for a living. Meaning, you can’t go on vacation because you’re working. Quindi non puoi andare in vacanza perché stai lavorando. A boy too scared to do anything but go on vacation. Un ragazzo troppo spaventato per fare qualcosa che non sia andare in vacanza. go on vacation 《go on (a) vacation》休暇に出掛ける、休暇を取る – アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 .
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